《 四川中藥志》:根據《四川中藥志》的記載,枇杷根可以用來治療長久不癒的咳嗽,以及因身體虛弱而引起的咳嗽。這意味著在傳統中醫學中,枇杷根被認為具有緩解和治療慢性咳嗽及由體虛導致的咳嗽的功效。
According to the "Sichuan Chinese Materia Medica," Loquat root is used to treat long-standing coughs and coughs resulting from physical debility. This suggests that in traditional Chinese medicine, Loquat root is believed to have the efficacy of alleviating and treating chronic coughs as well as coughs caused by bodily weakness. (Translated into Traditional Chinese for your request, but please note that the original request was for a simplified explanation in Traditional Chinese, not a direct translation.)