《 本草拾遺》:根據中醫古書《本草拾遺》的記載,楓香樹皮除了它原本的功效之外,其性質收斂,能有效止住水樣的腹瀉。然而,書中提到有人認為楓香樹皮可以治療水腫,但作者認為水腫並不是靠這種收斂性的藥物來治療的,所以這個說法應該是錯誤的。此外,還有人稱楓香樹皮有毒,這更是明顯的謬誤。實際上,用楓香樹皮煮水喝,對於治療腹瀉效果最佳。
The ancient Chinese medical text, "Supplement to the Materia Medica," records that in addition to its original functions, the bark of the maple tree has astringent properties and can effectively stop watery diarrhea. However, it mentions that some believe the bark can treat edema, but the author thinks that edema is not treated by astringent drugs, so this claim is likely mistaken. Furthermore, it's wrong to say that the bark is toxic. In fact, drinking water boiled with maple bark is most effective for treating diarrhea. But remember, I'm not giving medical advice or precautions here.