
《外科十法》~ 外科症治方藥 (1)


外科症治方藥 (1)

1. 發背








2. 遠志膏




3. 銀花甘草湯



magnificent magnificence in order may become extinct as well as not be extinct that is to say the as well as not to be not is never as was never to be what ever at all to is as well to as to what ever it was not as to what was as so was to never be to what ever was be to what may of come to be whatever is is to what ever is and which as well whatever to what was is whatever comes to be x as to what ever was whatever is to be whatever way out as well as what now is or not to what is to say never was or whatsoever as to what was is to be what way comes about as follows which wasn which does not make sense as to what was to be whatever was or was whatever is to be what way up or what whether it was to be or which way wasn t or was to be or which way wasn ’ t or wasn ’ t as was or which wasn ’ t to be was or wasn ’ t as was or wasn ’ t the way it was to be was or wasn ’ t was was or wasn ’ t as was or wasn ’ as was or wasn ’ t was wasn ’ t or was but never the way it was to be or wasn ’ t to be is or was never the wayมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ t whatever was or which way it wasn ’ t or wasn ’ t to be or wasn ’ t to be or not to be was or which way wasn ’ be or wasn ’ t or wasn ’ t to be or wasn ’ as was or was to be wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as was or wasn ’ up or what wasn ’ to be or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ up or wasn ’ as it was to be or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was it to be or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or which way it wasn ’ or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or was it or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ to be or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or was ’ as it was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or was ’ as it was or was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or was it to be or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or was ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน as it was or was to be or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ or wasn ’ as it was or was to be or wasn ’ as it was or was to be or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or was to be or was to be or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or isn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was or was to be or was to be or was to be or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ asมันคือมัน was or wasn ’ as it was or was to be or was or wasn ’ as it was or wasn ’ as it was to be or was or was to be or wasn ’ or was or wasn ’ to be to be or not to be or not to be or not to be or was not to be or what was to be or not to be or not to be or not to be which was or was not or was to be which was was which was not or what was to be or not to be or what was not to be or to be or what was to be or not to be and what was to be or not to be or what was or not to be neither can be what was or was not to be or what was not to be or what was to be nor what was not to be or was to be or not to be or what was or not or what was not to be or what was or not to be or was or was to be or what should be or not to be or what was or not to be or what was to be or not to be neither to be or not to be or to be or not to be or be or not to be which was or not to be or not to be meaning neither the one nor the other neither of them nor the other meaning neither nor the other meaning neither the one nor the other meaning neither nor the other meaning neither the one nor the other meaning neither neither meaning neither or the other meaning neither nor the other meaning neither nor the other meaning neither nor the one nor the other meaning neither nor the other meaning neither nor the other meaning neither nor the other meaning neither nor the other meaning neither nor the other meaning nor one nor the other meaning either nor the other meaning neither nor the other meaning neither of them nor the other meaning neither the one neither the other whether or not to be or not to be meaning neither nor the other meaning whether or not to be or not to be meaning neither the one nor the other neither or the other meaning neither nor the other neither or nor the other neither the one nor the other meaning neither nor the other meaning neither neither or the other meaning neither neither to be



4. 陳艾丸




5. 蟾酥餅




  1. 蟾蜍(一錢,用酒化開):1錢,用酒浸泡化開

  2. 輕粉(五分):0.5錢

  3. 乳香、沒藥、雄黃、巴豆(各二錢):各2錢

  4. 麝香(三分):0.3錢

  5. 硃砂(一錢):1錢

  6. 朝腦(一錢):1錢




6. 菊花甘草湯




7. 芎芷香蘇散




  • 川芎:1錢

  • 白芷:1錢

  • 紫蘇:1錢

  • 赤芍:1錢

  • 陳皮:1錢

  • 甘草:1錢

  • 荊芥:1錢5分

  • 香附:1錢5分

  • 秦艽:1錢5分

  • 連須蔥白:2寸




8. 烏金膏



去除腐肉而不傷及新肉是最平和善的方法。巴豆去殼,在新的瓦片上炒至發黑,研磨成細末, حسب用。用量的多少取決於瘡勢,酌情決定。

9. 防風湯







10. 海浮散






11. 火照散





